Perhaps the best consulting and wealth management team in the united states

Patrick Dowling

About Patrick Dowling

Encompass Group is a single resource for individuals seeking to learn strategies that are not new, but also not commonly discussed or implemented. We put the tax code to work and rely on it as an open-book resource that can and will enlighten you to what the very affluent individuals in our country do every day to maximize their financial standing.

Financial knowledge is, in our experience, the transfer of information from someone we respect and look up to in some way. When I sat down at my first job and was completing my onboarding forms, I asked the older reps what they did with their money, what they wished they had done, and then implemented that advice without hesitation because they were to be admired for their perceived success and knowledge. I was only as good as what those individuals knew and shared with me.

Without seeking more, and having worked with countless business owners over 20 years, I've learned that my experience is not unique. With that, I've been told by some clients that visiting this page was their first step to understanding money and achieving the financial freedom they set for themselves and their families.

At Encompass Group, we educate and you decide. That’s it. Your financial life is yours. It is 100% up to you and what you’re willing to learn along the way. If we meet, I’ll tell you about the two pivotal situations in my life where I thought, “There HAS to be something BETTER!” I want to share with you my experience so that, if we share certain beliefs, you can learn about the “something better.” Maybe you’ve pondered the same thought about there needing to be something better. Let’s talk about what I’ve found that is the best financial tool today (and has been for 110 years).
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